Monday, September 26, 2011

And Again... (Shih Tzu happens)

We understand from Steve and Sarah that Vancouver was Fantastic!  They spent 3 days exploring the city - one on the motorcycle, one on their bicycles (20 + miles!), and one on the train and ferry.  They went all over the city, which they say was beautiful.  And they ate a FANTASTIC Thai meal.

Unfortunately, Daisy too must have eaten something "fantastic"... 

After leaving Vancouver, our first night in Oregon, we were awakened at 1:00 a.m. to the sounds of Daisy desperately scratching at the door to go out... a little too late...  
Let's just say the large dashboard she loves to perch on has now been christened, thoroughly, as well as the curtains we close around the windshield each night.  It was reminiscent of the first night she spent as puppy in our home - lots of hysterical crying (from both she and Sarah), and poopy paw prints everywhere...  and lots of trips outside all night long...
The RV seemed a little small for a few hours that night, but after a couple of days of bland food (boiled organic boneless skinless chicken breasts!), Daisy recovered.  Of course Gabby was treated to the same "diet", so she is kinda' hopin' Daisy finds something else "fantastic" to eat soon...

Friday, September 16, 2011

Shih Tzu Happens... Again...

So, after the bear sitings (we saw two!), it was determined that we would at long last become internationally travelled.  We of course had our doggie passports (rabies certificates) in paw and ready for inspection at the border.  We had heard that we had to be examined by a veterinarian no more than ten days before crossing into Canada, so Daisy (being Daisy), made SURE that we got to see a vet on the way to Canada.  She woke up with the squinty eye, and considering her eye surgery history, of course she was rushed to the closest vet (thank you Google Places).  So, $110, a very small bottle of eye drops, and another 18# of Very Special Prescription Only Dog Food later, we were on our way to Vancouver, British Columbia.  Yes, we all made it past border patrol, and they didn't even stamp our passports!  
We drove through lots of evergreen forests, spent the night near Crystal Lake, BC, then stopped along the way for a picnic...
and a wine tasting...
before we finally arrived in Vancouver...

Shih Tzu Happens...

After The Tetons, and a lovely drive through the southwestern portion of Yellowstone, we spent two nice days in West Yellowstone, Montana.  It should be noted that all across the west, through Colorado,Wyoming, South Dakota, and Montana, Steve and Sarah have been instructed at each campground, in writing, to be very careful of bears!  All the trashcans and dumpsters are bear proof, and they've been told to keep us on a short leash.  (a few times when we got a little obnoxious with our barking, they did threaten to grease us up and tie us out to the awning for bait...  we think they were kidding, but we all know how Daisy can be...)  Anyway, as we were packing up to leave West Yellowstone, Daisy disappeared.  Steve and Sarah spent about 15 minutes frantically searching for her, all the while thinking that she had wandered into the woods to indeed become a meal for the grizzlies.  Daisy, being in her little Daisy World, was just wandering along the fence line of the campground merrily sniffing the fence posts.  We doubt they will threaten to turn us into bear bait anymore!  
The picture of innocence!
After the trauma was over, we drove to Missoula, Montana for two nights in the prettiest campground we've been in so far.  We had lots of room for Gabby to play ball and Daisy to chew her stick and sniff around to her heart's delight (firmly tied to a 20 foot rope - not taking any more chances)! 

Then it was off to Glacier National Park, where all the bear warnings became justified!

Monday, August 29, 2011

VA! Really! A hurricane AND an earthquake?

So, while you all were blowin' and shakin',

We've been from Golden CO to Mt. Rushmore SD... 
(we make it as far as the parking lots - no photo ops for dogs)

Through the Wind River Valley of WY...

Where we met three cycling friends who were on Day 34 of cycling 100 miles a day.

We passed through Dubois, Wyoming  (Doof Dubois, we thought of you)...
Then we spent 3 beautiful days in The Grand Tetons.  Steve and Sarah rode their bikes or their motorcycle along the winding roads enjoying the scenery...

While we hung out in the camper...

 Or spent our time finding GREAT sticks!
Every morning now, our drivers pack up the two great sticks I found and pull them out each evening when we stop.
 Life is Good On The Road!

Friday, August 19, 2011

A Golden Week In Golden

After narrowly surviving the dog food incident, we have had a wonderful week.  On the way to Golden last Sunday, we stopped at the Air Force Academy just north of Colorado Springs.  Again, while we slept in the RV, Steve and Sarah got to learn all about the Academy and also tour the chapel.  We hear it was lovely...
Roped off pew near the front reads "Reserved In Honor of Prisoners of War and Those Listed As Missing In Action"
We got to go to our first tailgate this week!  The drivers went to see the Colorado Rapids (Major League Soccer) play Isidro Metapan (from El Salvaldor).  We went along for the ride and the tailgate... 

And, while we got groomed one day, Steve and Sarah went to see the Red Rocks Amphitheater...

Alas, there is NOT a "Sarah" wing in the Coors Brewery...

We hear there are great bike paths all over Golden, so while we've been doing what we do best...

Steve and Sarah have been burning up the hills all over town...
Well, Steve's been burning up hills, Sarah's mostly just been burning up!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Dorothy! We're Not In Kansas Anymore!

We are now in Colorado!  On Wednesday and Thursday we slept our way across almost 500 miles of Kansas, except for our stop in Abilene where we enjoyed our first walk ever on a Presidential lawn.  Who knew the Presidential Library of Dwight D. Eisenhower was in the middle of Kansas?  While they left us napping in the RV (with the generator/AC running), our drivers enjoyed touring his boyhood home, museum, and the final resting place/chapel of he and Maime.  We are looking forward to walking more Presidential lawns in California and Texas...
And, Griswolditis struck again this morning: our drivers, you know, the ones who are supposed to be taking such good care of us?  When they attempted to feed us this morning, and found our food container empty, they realized they had left all of our Very Special Prescription Only Dog Food back in VA.  SO, after several phone calls to various vets, both in CO and VA, Sarah made the walking trek, (10 miles up hill both ways) to a vet's office, backpack in tow, and hauled back 18# of Very Special Prescription Only Dog Food.  We love our Mom!  (she wouldn't let Steve do it because today is his birthday)  We think we are safe for a month or so...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Toto! Where Are You?

400 miles and $400 later (new side view mirror, disabled faulty door lock, short in wiring, etc), we are in Topeka, Kansas. A little hairy this morning going through St. Louis rush hour with Sarah hanging her head out the window in lieu of the side view mirror.  We were jealous - head hanging out the window is one of our specialties!